Friday, October 11, 2013

Protein Power - Word.

As an exercise phys major, I've had to take a good look at my highschool fitness routine and I realized pretty quick that there were some important aspects I had been neglecting. The big one for me: eating after every work out. Basically, I wasn't doing it.

Now, I know how it is. You get home from the gym - you're sweaty, sore, and feeling pretty kick-butt (because let's be honest, you are). With all of those endorphins running through your body, you're probably feeling pretty confident and the last thing you want to do is eat back those calories that you just burned.

Truth is, if you're working out every day, it's absolutely essential to concentrate on that post-workout recovery time. These first 15-30 minutes after a workout are the most crucial, so get something in your stomach. Preferably, something rich in protein.

In lay-man's terms, protein helps provide amino acids which are important for rebuilding muscle tissue. This means if you lift (do you even lift, bro?), then this is exceptionally important. Trust me, you just spent two hours in physical pain in the name of staying healthy, fit, and sexy - you want to get everything out of your workout that you possibly can.

So anyway, enough of that. Basically, you need to eat something pretty much ASAP after stepping off that treadmill. Not a meal, but something small with lotsa protein. Thus, I introduce to you my post-workout savior.

Prep-time: 5-10 minutes (What do ya know, perfect for hitting that 15 minute recovery time.)
The Good Stuff:
- 1/3ish cup Greek yogurt (I use about half a 6oz container of Chobani Greek yogurt. Pineapple's the, just saying.)
- 1 serving protein powder (My brand is MLO Super High Protein Powder because it's not flavored and doesn't have any added sweetener. Each brand/type will have a different recommended serving size - I usually aim for around 25grams for this shake.)
- 1/4 cup frozen banana
- 1/4 cup frozen berries (I generally go with raspberries, but blueberries are an awesome source of antioxidants. Feel free to mix it up.)
- 1 tablespoon peanut butter (We're loading up on the protein, remember? Plus, peanut butter makes everything better.)
- 1/2ish cup of milk (I use 2%, in case you were wondering. And the measurement here can vary on how thick or thin you like your shake. Experiment... go for it. YOLO.)
Now What: Throw all that crap in a blender, blend it real good, then down it immediately. If you're looking for an extra health boost, toss in some fresh spinach or kale. Puts hair on your chest.

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